Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 on Tuesday 1-11-11

Every Tuesday I plan to post "10 on Tuesday."

The questions come from Roots & Strings Blog. Go to the site and copy questions to either post on your blog or--comment to my post :)
So here is the first 10 on Tues..drum roll please..or trumpet call..or both..
Questions for Tuesday, January 11, 2011!
1. Is there a band/artist that you HATE?
I dislike Ke$ha....alot.. I hate that she uses a $ in her name.. seriously..what if i signed my name Je$$..would you take me seriously..she sounds drunk in all her songs. I looked her up on wikipedia--just to see if she was the winner on my non-affection--(i don't think about who I hate too often.) I could barely read it--she annoys me so much. They said she uses the "spoken word rapping style"-which just means she cant sing. She does annoy me but..I do enjoy making fun of her songs..which also means..I know some lyrics..makes me want to "rinse my mouth with a bottle of jack"

2. What do you do when you get a gift that you do not like? How do you react? I am a list girl--My husband asks "what do you want for Christmas"..I give him my list. These things I have wanted for soo long..i had been waiting for X-mas just so I could ask for them..in the chance I might get one of them..I open my present thinking it will be something on the list--instead its none of them.He says I get mad if he just picks something off the list and that it shows he didn't try. I say..buy something on the list..then try on something else. I will be disappointed...I am so bad at hiding my feelings..If it's my husband--I'll tell him--he know me too well and would know immediately anyway. If it were my child or family-I would try to lie. I trust that my friends would not even need a list--they would make me some cool crafty thing that I would love.

3. How is your work office/cubicle decorated? Stay at home mom's don't have cube's--but our home office is still a work in progress. I'll post pics when I'm proud of it. But I would describe my vision for it as a Indie DIY craft hub

4. Do you use all of your vacation every year? Don't have a vacation. If I did-I would have to take my work with me--my baby.

5. Did you have a real or fake Christmas tree? We have a fake.

6. If you could have anything for dinner tonight, what would it be? My Grandma's homemade Potato Soup. I wish I could get the recipe right. It's not the same. :(

7. Do you bite your fingernails? No. Not since I had Eli..pregnancy made my nails stronger..I clip them..I like them short, clear coat & healthy.as Vacation..no thank you. Next year I want to get one

8. How many cups of coffee do you drink each day? I got a Kuirig Coffee Pot for Christmas from my Mother-in-Law. I love it. It can do so much. I drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning while I'm feeding Eli breakfast. I make a Chai Tea at lunch and maybe a black tea or hot chocolate at night.
9. Do you have a nervous tick? Not sure...I'm going to try to pay attention it now.

10. How often do you vacuum? Living room at least 1x week..dog sheds and we lay Eli on blanket on the carpet..bedrooms--maybe 1x month.


  1. I love this idea; I might steal it for my blog on Tuesdays! BTW, I hate Ke$ha's music too! But, I LOVE your critique!

  2. thanks, i too stole it from some other blog :) I will never forget when you sang me her first song before I heard it on radio. It was soo funny. I could not believe those were actual lyrics.
