Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Design Crush:Collages

I am dumping my design inspiration folders to share with all of you. Every now and then I'll see something on a blog that I love, I'll save the pic to my computer so that I will have ideas to decorate my new home. I was cleaning it out tonight when I noticed themes. The first "crush"is: collages. I think our office would be great room for one of these. Let me know what your favorite is. Oh, and I feel bad, but since I saved these for my personal folders..I don't have the source. Sorry. Happy crushing.~Jess~

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love all of these, but #5 is my fave! I love the casual look of a wall collage. You should check out Japanese Wasabi Tape. It's a great way to hang pics on the wall. Some tape sellers even have wasabi tape sets that look like picture frames. so cute and unexpected!
    My college roommate and I used #10 in our living room to post our favorite pics and have an easy way to cover our big bare wall. It worked out really well so I endorse that option too!
